Our History

Our History

Our history

Marc Vella founded ParentsVoice BC in June 2022, based on his 10 years experience in federal politics.

In a few short months and on a shoestring budget, he built a core team volunteers who were able to run 28 candidates across 8 school districts.

PVBC successfully elected three of those candidates, and many more came within 100 votes of victory.

Our goal for 2026 is to build on the success of our initial campaign, and run a full slate of candidates in all 60 school districts.

Young Woman Approves

What Is An Elector Organization?

Elector organizations, also know as civic political parties, promote candidates in local elections. As an elector organizations registered with Elections BC, ParentsVoice BC endorses candidates, receives campaign contributions and incurs election expenses.


As an elector organization, we must file endorsement documents with both a jurisdiction’s Local Chief Election Officer and Elections BC during an election.

Once approved, the elector organization’s ballot name, as registered with Elections BC, appears on the ballot beside their endorsed candidate’s name.