Mission & Principles

Our Mission


Our mission is to help independent, community first school trustees get elected by providing them with the tools, training and support they need.


Our vision is that the majority of every school board in British Columbia consists of school trustees that represent the families and communities in which they reside and not powerful special interest groups.


Professional Campaign Management

Your financial support allows us to provide experienced campaign workers who know how to win to each school district.

Economies of Scale

The PVBC model enables economies of scale in campaign management. We can apply the branding, website, ads, videos and staff across multiple candidates in multiple districts at a fraction of the cost if each went on their own.

Effective Targeted Marketing

Well designed, focused ad campaigns allow us to reach our voters efficiently.

Voter Data Management

PVBC brings voter data management tools to independent school trustee elections. This helps us with GOTV (Get Out The Vote) efforts as and helps us identify friendly voters for future elections.

Long Term Planning

Instead of focusing on the current election cycle, PVBC’s platform is designed to help us succeed in every election. Our experience in past elections, the PVBC brand, tools, and data are the foundation of future successes.

Catching Up to Our Opponents

Unions and other progressive organizations outspend us at least tenfold. To succeed, our side must commit our time, our talent and our treasure to support organizations like ParentsVoice BC. This is how we level the playing field.


The March to 2026

To win the 2026 civic election  we must build our team now.

We cannot wait until the election is called to raise a new crop of candidates.

We cannot wait to raise the money required to succeed in 2026.

We cannot wait and hope that volunteers, the lifeblood of every political campaign, will materialize for us.

We must start those processes now and grow them every day to make victory in the 2026 civic elections the inevitable result of our efforts.