
About PVBC

Our MissioN

Nothing is more important to the future of BC than the education of our children.

Providing them with knowledge, tools and confidence to succeed is essential for their futures.

And yet in BC we have failed our students.

Most of BC’s 60 School Boards are run by trustees who are there for the employees, government bureaucrats and special interest groups. They push their agendas ahead of the needs of our students and their futures.

ParentsVoice BC is a school district elector organization dedicated to electing independent candidates for school trustee that will put the needs of students and families first.

Parents are the true political party when it comes to their children’s education and upbringing.

By creating a provincial brand, voters will know that ParentsVoice BC candidates support their independent, families-first values.

ParentsVoice BC candidates will have the infrastructure and support to compete effectively. This includes training, fundraising, a webpage, list management, financial controls, platform development, social media and marketing.

Young Girl Holding Chalk Board